We recently had a quick getaway to Miraval in Tucson, Arizona and it quickly reminded us why these retreats away from everyone else are imperative to feeding a healthy Marriage. Here’s why…
Recharge and Reset
Mentally, physically and emotionally. Miraval allowed us to do all of that with not only offering us enough beautiful and natural open space but with different soul-centering experiences to take advantage of like yoga hiking, crystal meditation, horse back riding/painting, photo walks and culinary experiences among others.
Alone Time
As relatively new parents, alone time is far and in between. As much as we love our little girl. Alone time with each other is needed to say all the things that we forget to say when we’re too busy or just too tired. Over the time we were there we had so many “Oh and I forgot to tell you!” conversations. It was great to reconnect in this way.
This intimate alone time is crucial in reconnecting with each other and sharing new ideas with each other they may have been overlooked beforehand. But not just alone time with each other, this was a great time for us to both separate from each other and take space within ourselves to reflect and center.
Time to Connect without Distraction
You’ll be surprised at how many distractions limit our focus on what’s important. One thing I really liked about Miraval is that they made us unplug (which isn’t easy). They even provided a cute little sleeping bag for your phone to stay in while you’re on their campus. Of course we were still able to bring our cameras to document our stay but as far as email and social media…we were really on vacation. And we felt it.
with good wine :)
Explore Something New Together
This was our first time placing our feet on Tucson ground and it was amazing just to see so many plants and wildlife that we’ve only seen on TV. Garreth from Miraval picked us up from the airport and gave us the grand tour of Tucson while driving us to the resort while giving us history lessons and botanical insight on the saguaro cactus native to the land.
Learn More About Each Other + About Yourself
Self reflection encourage Self Awareness which aids in effective communication with not only your partner but with others. We took advantage of the Horse Painting Experience with Tyler at Miraval and it was more insightful than what we bargained for. It was surprisingly very personal and very moving. We took photos of our art to remember the experience (but too personal to post here) Just know that it’s a whole significant moment…definitely recommending that. Thanks Tyler.
Open Your Mind
To something new together. Read new poety. Speak new affirmations.
Challenge yourself to learn something new that you can apply to your life when you get back home, like what we did here. Leave with more than what you came with and if you lose something negative while you’re gone…even better. :)
Thank you to the creators at Miraval who helped us realize more than we thought we would on a quick getaway. We can’t wait to share more about our trip with you all this week! If you would like to connect with us, please shoot us a message here or at HELLO@MEGAPIXELSMEDIA.COM.
Disney’s The Lion King’s HBCU Night