Passion Projects are important.
They keep you grounded and remind of what’s really important in life… Connecting with others.
Yesterday, we were presented with a beautiful reminder of that. Tonya from Elite Secrets Bridal organized a day of beauty for Breast Cancer Survivor for the month October (Breast Cancer Awareness month) . This is a tradition that we started doing in 2016 because our lives have been impacted by Breast Cancer and we know how this disease can make you and your family feel. We wanted to use our talents to uplift these individuals and not only make them feel beauty but to gently remind them that they are loved and supported throughout their journey. We feel like that’s important.
Tonya treated our survivor to a full face of glam while Ricshay Johnson gave her hair a full make-over. Our other friend Tanya acted as creative director and handled all of the extensive details and is responsible for finding our survivor.
About the Survivor
Tanya Howard is a Wife Mother & New Grandma
She was diagnosed October 1, 2017, she underwent numerous chemo treatments that left her feeling like walking death. Having cancer in her right breast she decided to get double mastectomy to prevent the return in the left, on May 18, 2018. With spiritual encouragement and the prayers of her loved ones she continued treatment and adjusted to her now flat chest and bald head. She treasured being alive and pressed to live for her young son, and family. She went from chemo treatment to getting radiation treatments. She received reconstruction surgery, where segments of her stomach were removed to rebuild her breast, on August 15, 2019. An overwhelming yet rewarding process, to have breast again felt miraculous. Tanya and her loved ones gathered on August 18, 2019 at the radiation clinic and she rung the bell symbolizing she was finish treatments and was cancer free August 18, 2019. Walking away from radiation with burned skin her healing process continued and she pressed being motivated that her story was for God’s glory. She knew that if her story is for your glory God that means She shall not die but live she held on to that faith in spite all she felt throughout diagnosis and treatment, and now 4 years later she inspires others with her testimony and give them hope that if God did it for her he can do it for them. Christ won and cancer lost.
We developed this photography business
not only because we love photography, but because we love people. We love making a positive impact on people's lives by empowering and offering an authentic service that will be remembered forever. We are big advocates of celebrating life and all the things and people that we love. What better way to celebrate life than with photography?Portraits celebrate life. They say "Hey, I am here. This life I live is a blessing"
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