We celebrated our 6th Wedding Anniversary at Disney World in 2019 (right before the Pandemic turned the world upside down) and at the end of 2021 we returned to celebrate our 8th Wedding Anniversary during Disney’s 50th Anniversary.
There was a lot of celebrating going on! We learned in 2019 how much we really love Disney during the holidays (you can see the blog here). it sounds really cheesy but maybe that’s the real appeal, it is very easy to get sucked into all the positivity there and during this time of year it’s something that’s highly appreciated.
We decided to go back for our 8th Anniversary and told ourselves it would be much different and to our surprise…It Was! We thought it would be a little weird after the pandemic but honestly we had even more fun this time than before! This time around Disney World was celebrating it’s 50th Anniversary and one thing about us is that we LOVE Disney Anniversaries! My First visit to Disney World was during their 25th Anniversary in 1996. The first time we went to Disneyland Paris was during their 25th Anniversary and it just bought back so many happy memories of my first time. After that, we made of vow to get to the Disney Parks during their Anniversaries because they are just so special. This visit during their 50th Anniversary has truly been one of our favorites.
Here’s Why…
We ended up spending more time there therefore giving us more options to do some extra Holiday things that we didn’t get to do last time. Our favorite thing we did during this trip was the Very Merry Christmas Hours. it did cost extra but it was completely worth it. Free Snacks, the best Christmas parade I’ve ever seen (with Black Santa), Also the BEST Fireworks show I’ve ever seen, and you can just walk right on the rides and afterwards when the park is just empty, you can just sit back and look at it all with the Christmas lights…it’s bliss. So if you’re questioning spending to go to the Very Merry Christmas Hours…do it. Here’s your sign, do it :)
After doing the Christmas Hours, you have that edge off and you can really just enjoy being in the park together. Garrett really enjoy just walking and talking together. We’re really boring that way but just walking around Disney Parks gives us some of the best discussions and connects in a way that always surprises us. Like I said, it sounds cheesy but it can be very romantic if you spin it right. It’s really like one long continuous date.
Also we love finding and rating the best food in the park. So if you have any questions on where to eat in the park. We can definitely help with that lol
Surprisingly we didn’t take a lot of photos but we did want to share a little bit of our time there (as tradition here on the blog). You can see our past trips to Disney Parks Here :) And if you’re ever interested in meeting up at a park, just send us a message at Hello@megaixelsmedia.com.
Disney’s The Lion King’s HBCU Night