I’m sure you’ve seen
the Black and White Challenge that’s going Viral on Social Media right now BUT do you know Why It’s going around?
You’ve probably seen #ChallengeAccepted and #WomenSupportWomen but it’s deeper than that. This is not a beauty pageant, this is to raise awareness of what’s going on in Turkey right now.
So What’s Going on?
As in many places around the world, Women Voices are being silenced and ignored. The rate of domestic violence is reaching an all-time high and nothing is being done about it. According to The Guardian in 2019, 474 women were murdered, mostly by their partners and relatives. 42% of Turkish women aged between 15–60 had suffered some physical or sexual violence by their husbands or partners.This is the highest rate in a decade and because of being quarantine the figures in 2020 are even higher!
Femicide is the term used for the masses of women who are abused and murdered at the hand of their partners. If we’ve learned anything in 2020 it’s that silence is just as bad as the act. So many women across the world have started to raise awareness by doing the #ChallengeAccepted post on their IG by posting a black and white photo of themselves and encouraging 50 of their friends to do the same. Never underestimate the power of self love encouraged by another woman.
How Can We Help?
We, Megapixels Media, pride ourselves in being Love Enthusiasts. This does not limit us to strictly Engaged Couples. As real ass people living in the real world this is devastating to us. 2020 is one hell of a ride but we are not going to ignore what’s happening and stay silent about it. Which is why we wanted to help fight Femicide by flooding the internet with Black and White photos of Women who are loved and who are pouring love into other women.
We hope this reaches you and that you are brave enough to stand against Femicide.
Love Deeply.
Now that you got the message here are black + white photos of some women we love and cherish.

Naima + Gary