I know this is definitely not what your expecting from your Wedding Photographers
But it’s relevant, I promise :) Neither one of us are Doctors but we pride ourselves in being eternal students. Meaning we’re always learning and searching for better ways to make the most out of our human experience annnnd when it comes to this blog we are always finding ways to drop some knowledge to help engaged couples have The Best Day Ever.
So Let’s Dive Right in…
Did you know that the microbiome in your gut directly effects your brain? That’s right, what ever you eat controls the way you think and act. Why do you think so many parents are so obsessed with feeding their children clean organic food? It’s not just for long-term brain development. We desire the positive short-term effects that effect their behavior and attitude as well and thats tied right into their food.
So Why wouldn’t we be doing this for ourselves too? It makes sense that this would benefit us just as well.

We usually make our own baby food
but for times where time is tight we love using Amara Organic Baby Food (which you can see throughout this blog). It’s super easy to prepare (just add water or breast milk and stir) and the best part about it is the peace of mind knowing that it’s all natural and organic. It’s literally ready in seconds and Bailey absolutely LOVES it! It’s such a health conscious and easy choice, I only wish I would have found them sooner. You can read more about it and order HERE.

Parenthood started for us just over a year ago
and it’s really made us look at our own diet in a completely different light. This past year we have taken more of an initiative to make healthier choices not just for the long-term effects but for the direct boost that it gives us throughout the day. In the past year we have lost over 75 pounds combined by making some necessary lifestyle changes. Our goals were never focused on weight loss but more accurately based on loosing toxins and releasing toxic energy. Through regular exercise, cold press juicing and making better meal choices we’re feeling pretty good about our choices :) and we feel safe when we share our food with Bailey.

So what does this mean for Engaged Couples?
Not only can you expect energy and positive vibes from us as your wedding photographers on your wedding day but we can also give some awesome recommendations on how you can use cold-press juice to give your system a boost and make you feel great on your wedding day :) The right nutrients in your system before your wedding day can help you make clear and precise decisions, can help reduce anxiety and possibly even clear up you skin a little bit too! The effects vary from person to person but I think we can all agree that we could use a little more fruit and veggies in our system.
Check out Apothecary Juice Bar based in Maryland to inquire of some organic cold pressed juices. If you’re interested in a 3-day juice cleanse, mention this blog and you can receive a bridal discount.
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